About Us

Your Trusted Partner in Navigating Legal Challenges

Founded in 2010, ATP Law Office is a distinguished law firm dedicated to delivering professional, reliable, and strategic legal solutions tailored to meet our clients’ diverse needs. Our team of seasoned legal experts combines in-depth expertise and a client-centric approach to provide exceptional support in both litigation and non-litigation matters across various sectors.

Guided by the principles of justice, certainty, and utility, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and excellence. Whether addressing complex business disputes, property matters, or personal legal challenges, ATP Law Office is your trusted partner in achieving effective, practical outcomes.

Meet the Experts Behind Your Legal Success

Trusted by Clients Across Industries

Retainer Client

Clients Across Industries

PT. Asuransi Mega Pratama

Insurance and bankruptcy

PT. Prima Eksekutif


PT. Kelsri


PT. Adhi Karya

Bankruptcy and arbitrage

PT. Bahtera Arung Persada


PT. Mitra Safir Sejahtera


PT. Menara Karsa Mandiri


PT. Texplastindo Kemas Industri


PT. Kreasindo Restu Utama

Joint operation

PT. Mitra Dipro Coal Indonesia

Merger and aquistions

PT. Tobindo Mining Project

Retainer and mining consultant

PT. Surya Global Makmur

Retainer and mining consultant

PT. Cocoman

Mining consultant

PT. Pesky Rekayasa Mediatama

Contract consultant and business transaction consultant

PT. Riau Gemilang Surya Reteh

Retainer and project aquistions

PT. Tiramana Energy

Merger and aquistions

PT Sinar Makin Mulya


PT Leader Qualitex Indonesia

Bankruptcy and PKPU

Setya Novanto

Corruption case

Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan

Contract consultant etc

Muhammad Toba, former commissioner of PT Citra Tobinto Sukses Perkasa

Corruption case

PT Duta Adhikarya Negeri


PT Asia Petrocom Services


PT Eksindo Telaga Said Darat


PT Multi Karya Engineering


PT Karya Citra Nusantara

PKPU and civil lawsuit

PT Paloway Abadi

Criminal case

The trademark dispute between Buttonscarves and Umamascarves

Intellectual property right

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