Founded in 2010, ATP Law Office is a distinguished law firm dedicated to delivering professional, reliable, and strategic legal solutions tailored to meet our clients’ diverse needs. Our team of seasoned legal experts combines in-depth expertise and a client-centric approach to provide exceptional support in both litigation and non-litigation matters across various sectors.
Guided by the principles of justice, certainty, and utility, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and excellence. Whether addressing complex business disputes, property matters, or personal legal challenges, ATP Law Office is your trusted partner in achieving effective, practical outcomes.
PT. Asuransi Mega Pratama
Insurance and bankruptcy
PT. Prima Eksekutif
PT. Kelsri
PT. Adhi Karya
Bankruptcy and arbitrage
PT. Bahtera Arung Persada
PT. Mitra Safir Sejahtera
PT. Menara Karsa Mandiri
PT. Texplastindo Kemas Industri
PT. Kreasindo Restu Utama
Joint operation
PT. Mitra Dipro Coal Indonesia
Merger and aquistions
PT. Tobindo Mining Project
Retainer and mining consultant
PT. Surya Global Makmur
Retainer and mining consultant
PT. Cocoman
Mining consultant
PT. Pesky Rekayasa Mediatama
Contract consultant and business transaction consultant
PT. Riau Gemilang Surya Reteh
Retainer and project aquistions
PT. Tiramana Energy
Merger and aquistions
PT Sinar Makin Mulya
PT Leader Qualitex Indonesia
Bankruptcy and PKPU
Setya Novanto
Corruption case
Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan
Contract consultant etc
Muhammad Toba, former commissioner of PT Citra Tobinto Sukses Perkasa
Corruption case
PT Duta Adhikarya Negeri
PT Asia Petrocom Services
PT Eksindo Telaga Said Darat
PT Multi Karya Engineering
PT Karya Citra Nusantara
PKPU and civil lawsuit
PT Paloway Abadi
Criminal case
The trademark dispute between Buttonscarves and Umamascarves
Intellectual property right
Agus Trianto, S.H., M.H., CLA. founded Agus Trianto & Partners Law Office after leaving one of Indonesia’s rapidly growing law firms. He earned his Bachelor of Law degree from Pancasila University, and his Master of Law degree from University of Indonesia. Currently, he is pursuing his Doctoral degree at the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia.
Before establishing ATP Law Office, he honed his legal expertise by working with prestigious law firms such as Lubis Ganie Surowidjojo Law Firm (LGS) and Elsa Syarief Law Office. During his time at these firms, he worked on various legal matters, particularly in bank recapitalization and asset resolution. His diverse experience in these areas allowed him to gain profound insight into the intricacies of corporate law and financial regulations.
With nearly a decade of practice, he has developed a broad range of expertise, including corporate and commercial law, intellectual property law, bankruptcy law, real estate and property law, insurance law, finance law, alternative dispute resolution, debt recovery, capital market law, and litigation. He is a licensed advocate with the Indonesian Advocates Association (PERADI) and holds a practice license to represent clients in Indonesian courts.
With more than 10 years of experience in the legal field, Agus has built a solid reputation for providing high-quality legal services and has a profound understanding of the regulatory and legal landscape in Indonesia. In addition to his practice. He is also a permanent lecturer at Faculty of Law, Pancasila University, specializing in business law, bankruptcy and debt restructuring, and transportation law.
Mochammad Ridwan, S.H., completed his Bachelor of Law degree at Pancasila University in 2014 and later obtained his Master of Law from University of Indonesia in 2018. In 2012, he participated in a Student Exchange program between Universitas Pancasila and Universitas Malaya, Malaysia.
Before joining Agus Trianto and Partners Law Office in 2013, Ridwan gained valuable experience through an internship at Bank Indonesia, where he worked in the Sharia Banking Division. Since joining ATP Law Office, Ridwan has been involved in various corporate finance transactions, including collateral management, shipping law, and bankruptcy matters. He has also provided legal advice on collateral agreements, insurance, and bankruptcy issues.
Sulistyo Dwi Darmawan, S.H., completed his Bachelor of Law degree at Pancasila University in 2018, he participated in a Student Exchange Program at the University of Malaya, Malaysia.
He has significant experience in handling legal matters related to Corporate Restructuring and Bankruptcy (PKPU), corporate law, Intellectual Property rights, and real estate transactions. His diverse expertise in these areas enables him to provide comprehensive legal services to clients across various sectors.
Anindya Ayu Putri Lintang Kemilau Sakti, S.H., is a graduate of the Law program from Pancasila University, majoring in Business Law. She began her legal career during her university years as a legal intern at PT Megapower Makmur Tbk. In this role, she was involved in various legal tasks, including conducting legal research and providing legal opinions, reviewing and summarizing contracts, managing contract data and archives, interpreting and comparing regulations, as well as drafting lease and partnership agreements. She also contributed to the development of corporate regulations in line with the latest legal provisions, with a particular focus on Business Law.
Upon completing her internship and graduating, she joined Agus Trianto & Partners Law Office, where she has gained valuable experience handling intellectual property matters and civil disputes. She is also a teaching assistant at the Faculty of Law, Pancasila University.
In addition to her professional work, during her university years, Anindya also achieved success in several national legal competitions. She won 1st place in the Festival Syariah Moot Court Video Competition organized by University of Darussalam Gontor in 2021, then earned the title of Best Prosecutor and achieved 3rd place in the 9th National Moot Court Competition Abdul Kahar Mudzakkir Cup organized by Islamic University of Indonesia in the same year. Additionally, she achieved 4th place in the 8th National Moot Court Competition Abdul Kahar Mudzakkir Cup organized by Islamic University of Indonesia in 2019.
Anasyah Putri Wibowo, S.H., completed her undergraduate studies at Pancasila University. During her time at university, she achieved notable success in national legal competitions, including winning 3rd place in the 9th National Moot Court Abdul Kahar Mudzakkir Cup, organized by Universitas Islam Indonesia, and 1st place in the Festival Syariah Moot Court Video Competition, organized by Universitas Darussalam Gontor. She has experience handling PKPU (Suspension of Debt Payment Obligations) and bankruptcy cases, as well as other civil law matters.
Mega Danusafitri, S.H., completed her Bachelor of Law (S.H.) degree at Pancasila University in 2021. She took the Advocate Oath on June 13, 2024 (DPN Indonesia).
During her internship at the Legal Bureau of the Secretariat General, Ministry of Trade in 2020, she gained hands-on experience in case analysis, regulation interpretation, and drafting legal summaries of ministerial regulations. She successfully completed her internship with Good recognition.
In terms of competition experience, Mega represented her team in the NMCC AML V at Universitas Trisakti in 2018. Additionally, she won 1st Place in the Internal Mooting Piala Dekan IV 2017, where she was awarded the title of Best Prosecutor.
Brussil Daning Alfath, S.H., completed his undergraduate studies and earned a Bachelor of Laws degree from Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University in 2021. During his time at university, he was actively involved in the Moot Court Community at the university, eventually being entrusted with leadership roles as the Chairperson and Advisory Board member from 2018 to 2020. He achieved 3rd place in the National Moot Court Competition Piala Jaksa Agung VI as a delegate, serving as the Chief Judge, and represented his university in several national competitions. Brussil also received a scholarship from the PPA (Peningkatan Prestasi Akademik) program during his studies.
Before joining Agus Trianto and Partners Law Office in 2024, Brussil gained practical experience during his internship at Tirtayasa Law Firm and LBH Rakyat Banten. He also worked as a Legal Officer at PT Guna Berkah Propertindo, a property and real estate company, and as a Legal Consultant at PT Woori Consulting, where he specialized in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), particularly for Korean companies in sectors such as construction, medical equipment, textiles, and electricity services, among others. Upon joining Agus Trianto and Partners Law Office, Brussil has been involved in matters related to permits, compliance, and corporate legal assistance.